Contact the MoneyGuide Sales Team at
1-800-841-5312 or request a demo below.
Choose the right solution for your business:
Comprehensive Goal-Based Planning
per advisorAnnual Subscription / Paid Monthly
Detailed Cash-Flow & Advanced Estate Planning
per advisorAnnual Subscription / Paid Monthly
All in one platform
per advisorAnnual Subscription / Paid Monthly
MyBlocks is an interactive modular financial planning tool that makes complex financial topics fun and easy to understand.
$600 Annually - Per User
Learn MoreProvide your clients with access to Yodlee through the Client Portal so that they can link their accounts. Empower them with personal financial management tools and create a more complete and informed view of your clients.
$400 Annually - Per User
Learn MoreWith MX® and MoneyGuide, you create a living plan for your clients – providing meaningful probability of success in meeting their long-term goals.
$400 Annually - Per User
Learn MoreThe Morningstar Risk Profiler provides an academically validated psychometric risk tolerance assessment for each client that helps advisors understand the level of risk clients would be comfortable taking.
$739 Annually - Per User
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